New electronical system to notify sick leave "eNeschopenka"
4. 2. 2020
As of 1 January 2020 a new electronic system called eNeschopenka came into force. It simplifies the communication among doctors, employers, social security office and unfit employees who are entitled to sick leave.
New is, that all the necessary documents are automatically processed by the electronical system, therefore the employee is no longer obliged to communicate with the social security office himself. He or she only notifies the employer about his or her unfit condition. In case the sick leave exceeds 14 days, the ill will receive payment of the allowance to the account, where the salary is paid. All information about the course of the illness is sent via e-mail or databox.
New is, that all the necessary documents are automatically processed by the electronical system, therefore the employee is no longer obliged to communicate with the social security office himself. He or she only notifies the employer about his or her unfit condition. In case the sick leave exceeds 14 days, the ill will receive payment of the allowance to the account, where the salary is paid. All information about the course of the illness is sent via e-mail or databox.